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National Batik Day: Indonesian’s Identity

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spot_img – The National Batik Day “Membatik Untuk Negeri” holds at Puro Mangkunegaran, Solo on Wednesday (10/2/2019). This event honors batik as an Indonesian’ intangible heritage.

Central Java Governor, Ganjar Pranowo also attended the event, said that Indonesia is a superpower country in terms of culture, especially batik. According to him, batik has been used by Indonesian since the royal era.

The National Batik Day 2019 handled by the National Batik Foundation. Chairperson of the Indonesian Batik Foundation (YBI), Ultin Ginanjar Kartasasmita, committed to further improving the work of batik as national unity and identity.

Here, President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo also attended. He reminded that the stipulation of batik as an intangible heritage was a mandate for the Indonesian to preserve it.

“I am happy that some schools are applying batik as activities of teaching-learning. Three times a week is enough as long as the committee continues,” said Jokowi. He also hopes that batik can become an ambassador of Indonesian culture.

At Puro Mangkunegaran, President Jokowi held a ceremony to stamp fabrics. While First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo and wife of Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Mufidah Kalla, carried out the process of slamming.

The National Batik Day 2019 also enlivened by Sanggar Soerya Soemirat, who performed the Ambabar Batik Dance. They dance using seven types of batik, namely Batik Sidoluhur, Sidomukti, Parangklitik, Sidomulyo, Parangbarong, Tambal Pamiluto, and Parangkusumo.

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