Tuesday, January 14, 2025
HomeUncategorizedGet Ready, Keranjang Cakes Wiil Distributed in Grebeg Sudiro

Get Ready, Keranjang Cakes Wiil Distributed in Grebeg Sudiro

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Soloevent.id – Around 4.000 Keranjang Cakes will be shared to the citizen on Karnaval Budaya Grebeg Sudiro 2019. As usual, it will be done in the end of carnival. This typical Lunar Year Cakes will be shared from East side of Pasar Gede. Those cakes will take on jodang and get shared to citizen.

Keranjang Cakes cannot be separated from Grebeg Sudiro, it is potential culinary from Sudiroprajan. Uniquely, this cakes will wrapped with jodang as a form of iconic landmark of Solo. This year, jodang is a form as Jebres Station.

Not only Jodang Carnival, Karnaval Budaya Grebeg Sudiro 2019 will enliven by 54 groups of art and communities. This carnival will start from Tugu Jam Pasar Gede and pass on Jl. Jenderal Sudirman-Jl. Mayor Kusmanto-Jl. Kapten Mulyadi- Jl.R.E Martadinata- Jl. Cut Nyak Dien-Jl. Ir. Juanda-Jl. Urip Sumoharjo. It will be start at 1 pm.

Karnaval Budaya Grebeg Sudiro 2019 will be held on Sunday (3/2/2019) is a sub-event of Grebeg Sudiro 2019. This annually event holds by Kelurahan Sudiroprajan to celebrate the Lunar Year.

Through the theme Unity in Diversity, the committee wanted to portray of tolerance and harmony between ethnicities and interfaith believers in Solo, especially in the Sudiroprajan Village. “The Sudiroprajan community has been mutually tolerant in this regard,” said the Chief of Grebeg Sudiro, 2019 committee, Angga Indrawan.

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