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The Beauty of Diversity at the Indonesia Heritage City

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Soloevent.id – Participants in Kongres IV Jaringan Kota Pusaka Indonesia (JKPI) consisting of 60 cities / regencies in Indonesia were escorted from Sriwedari Stadium to Jl. General Sudirman, Thursday (10/25/2018) afternoon. Uniquely, the mayors / regents wear puppet costumes; they are also raised by horse carts.

Each region also displays a variety of cultures, such as traditional clothing, distinctive dances, as well as the uniqueness of the local area. For example Blitar Regency presents the Dhodhog One Dance along the carnival route. Yogyakarta exhibits decorative cars, on top of which there is model dressed as Nyi Roro Kidul. Solo sent a delegation of Solo Batik Carnival.

Arriving in front of the honor stage on Jl. General Sudirman, public were entertained by the participants’ performances.

If you miss the JKPI 2018 cultural carnival, you can see the footage in this gallery.


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