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Fun Ngabuburit While Making Comics

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spot_img – Community Visual City with Setabelan Village, Supermoon Comics, and Librarie Cafe held a Ngabuburit Fun while Making Comics at the Green Library Library Park, Setabelan, on Thursday (24/05). This event was held at the same time to commemorate National Awakening Day.

Held side by side with a cheap book bazaar, the event invited members of the Setabelan Village Children’s Forum to gather and create comics together. Before being colored by children, the comic characters had been created and designed by Supermoon Comics whose works had spread to the capital city to countries in Asia.

Nationalism-themed comics such as “Aku Cinta Indonesia”, “Aku Anak Indonesia Peduli Sampah” were distributed to the Setabelan Children’s Forum in hopes of fostering a spirit of nationalism, pride, and love for the country through comic media.


About 30 children from 9 RW in Setabelan Village attended this event enthusiastically. One of them is Rista Novitasari, a third grade student of Kepatihan State Elementary School, who admitted that she was happy to join the comics making event. “I wrote a story. This story (appointing a comic character) invites these (other characters) to take care of cleanliness by not littering,” she said innocently. The children are invited to compose stories in the empty dialog column on the comic sheet. Then they can color the comics according to their creativity.

This event is also a pioneering formation of the Setabelan Village Children’s Forum. Head of Setabelan Sudadi Village, said, “This is in order to form a Rukun Warga (RW) Children’s Forum.” The Mayor advised, the Children’s Forum must be in every RW so that nothing is missed,” he said.

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