– Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) will begin its second decade with the theme “Ika Paramartha”. The theme taken from Sanskrit portrays the diversity that exists in Indonesia. Later, the costumes will copy local wisdom from various regions in Indonesia, for example Sumatra, Java, Papua, and others.
There are 8 adult defiles and 1 child defile that will perform at Solo Batik Carnival XI. The adult definition consists of Nagari Minangkabau (Sumatra), Java Dwipa (Java), Dayak Borneo (Kalimantan), Janger Dewata (Bali), Sasando Timor (Nusa Tenggara), Mappalili Mamiri (Sulawesi), Tana Sajojo (Papua), and Lenggang Batavia (DKI Jakarta). For children participants, they are freely chose costumes from any defile.
According to Coordinator of Solo Batik Carnival XI, Ragowo Ade Kurniawan, the costumes will be added with ornaments that illustrate the local wisdom of an area. “Every single costume represents one area. The costumes will elevate local wisdom, such as regional weapons, traditional clothes, dances, etc.,”he explained at a press conference in Swiss-Bellin Saripetojo, Thursday (2/14/2018).
In the same event, Soloevent had the opportunity to witness the prototype of SBC XI costumes exhibited by the Solo Batik Carnival Foundation. As usual, the costumes look big, winged, and have crowns.
And according to what was written above, the costumes copied the local wisdom of each region. For example, the Betawi Lenggang Defile. The costume looks bright because it uses pink. The crown of the costume was made to resemble the “hat” of the Cokek dancer. Another with Mappalili Mamiri’s meaning. Dominated in purple, the wing is decorated with replicas of the Maleo bird, a miniature of the Tongkonan traditional house and the Pinisi ship.
Ade explained, the SoloBatik Carnival XI costume was made from batik cloth from each region. “We want to unite cultural diversity in Indonesia through art performances,” he said.