Monday, March 10, 2025
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Delivering Wow: Creating Customer Advocates Through Service

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In any industry, in this day and age, providing services to consumers or customers is no longer enough to only produce the word ‘satisfied’. The choice of customer satisfaction that you want to produce needs to be emphasized, whether it’s just ‘OK’, or ‘AHA!’ Or ‘WOW!’, Because the three words express different levels of satisfaction.

In fact, if you want to win the hearts of consumers and maintain a positive image of service quality in their minds for a long time, strategic and tactical steps need to be taken. In order, in the end, consumers not only feel maximum satisfaction but will recommend their satisfaction to the community. This is one of the keys to ultimate success in winning the competition.

That was raised in the half-day seminar “Delivering WOW: Creating Customer Advocates Through Service” held by MarkPlus Inc., at The Sunan Hotel Solo, Tuesday (11/03), with a single speaker Jacky Mussry, Chief Operating Officer of Mark Plus Inc.

In the same event, before the seminar session was held, MarkPlus Inc. presented the 2014 ‘MarkPlus WOW Service Excellent Award’, giving awards to several companies in Solo who managed to provide excellent service quality for their customers. The success assessment is based on a summary of the results of the customer satisfaction survey held by MarkPlus before, in Surakarta, Karanganyar Regency, and Sukoharjo Regency.


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