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Festival Payung Indonesia?

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spot_img – In addition to presenting umbrella art exhibitions and performances, Festival Payung Indonesia hype up by various competitions. In “People at Sevent” on Radio Sevent on Monday (8/26/2019), Director of Festival Payung Indonesia, Heru Prasetya, explained that the contest is a knitting umbrella. The participants are 180 from 68 cities/regencies in Indonesia.

Have passion on photography? Festival Payung Indonesia also holds a competition involving reliable photographers from various places in Indonesia. Also, a decorative umbrella painting contest for children and a patchwork umbrella contest.

Festival Payung Indonesia already held four times in Solo. Only the last two years the location has moved. In 2018 it was held at Borobudur Temple, while this year takes place at Prambanan Temple.

Heru explained that by the nomadic venue can explore historical sites in Indonesia. “I want to be in new places, meet new communities, and also meet historical sites,” he said.

In its sixth year, the Umbrella Festival again involves villages or traditional umbrella crafters’ areas. The performances included in the Ministry of Tourism’s calendar of events will also feature domestic and foreign artists. They will bring works that explore umbrella.

Heru said, visitors will tempt by the excellence of various umbrellas combined with the beauty of Prambanan Temple, this Festival is on 6-8 September. Want to see?

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