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This August Discount Up to 74%

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spot_img – Welcoming the 74th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association (APPBI) in collaboration with the Indonesian Retail Business Association (APRINDO) will hold the Indonesia Great Sale (IGS) in 300 malls and shopping centers throughout Indonesia from August 14-25, 2019.

Solo will join this event. Chairman of the Surakarta APPBI Branch Representative Council (DPC) Veronica Lahji confirms the IGS will give up to 74% discount in all malls.

Indonesia Great Sale uses a point system. So, after shopping, don’t forget to show the transaction receipt to customer service. However, mall or shopping center has its procedures for awarding points and prizes.

Veronica, who also served as Chief Marketing Communication Solo Paragon Mall, explained that at the end of the period, she would give a car prize for Top Spender.

Through this event, mall and shopping center expects to increase visitors and value of transactions. “Each mall/shopping center has its way [in giving discounts]. In essence, each is competing to increase the number of visitors and the value of transactions,” explained Veronica in a press conference at the Tea Bar Tong Tjie Solo Grand Mall, Friday (9/8/2019).

IGS opening ceremony in Solo will roll-out at the Solo Grand Mall Atrium on Wednesday (08/14/2019), at 7 pm. The program opened by the Surakarta City Tourism Office and the Central Java APPBI Regional Leadership Council (DPD) from Semarang, Tegal, Kudus, and Magelang; and DPC APPBI Solo Raya. The event will be enlivened by the appearance of the band from each mall, fashion shows, and culinary festivals.

The Indonesia Great Sale Solo chapter was joined by eight malls and shopping centers in Solo Raya, like Solo Grand Mall, Solo Paragon Mall, Solo Square, Solo Wholesale Center, Benteng Trade Center, Hartono Mall Solo Baru, The Park Mall Solo Baru, and Palur Plaza. This discount promo only applies to retail sales.

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