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Homeart and cultureThe Grand Final of Putra and Putri Solo 2019

The Grand Final of Putra and Putri Solo 2019

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spot_img – Guess who will be the chosen one for Putra and Putri Solo 2019? If you are curious, attend the Grand Final of Putra and Putri Solo 2019 at the Surakarta City Hall on Saturday (3/8/2019).

It will highlight the Putra and Putri Solo 2019 Election. Previously, the participants already selected to get ten pairs. Since July 24, they have been quarantined and given with some material.

The chairman of the Putra Putri Solo Foundation, R.Ay. Febri Hapsari Dipokusumo explained the debriefing to the 20 PPS 2019 finalists including public speaking, table manner, batik, English for tourism, personal branding, and character material.

However, in the Grand Final, only be 19 participants will compete. In a press conference on Thursday (1/8/2019) at The Sunan Hotel Solo, Febri reported that one finalist resigned due to illness.

Here, there will be a collaboration show between PPS 2019 finalists and members of the Putra Putri Solo. They will perform about Indonesia.

They will act as Ir. Soekarno, Jendral Soedirman, R.A. Kartini, Fatmawati, Paku Buwono X, and several other figures. Also, other regions dance performance as a form of tolerance of diversity.

It carries out to the PPS Election to portray the theme, Solo the Spirit of Indonesia. The theme aims to be a reminder to young people about the National Founders.

PPS 2019 finalist performance will be judged by Tunjung W. Sutirto (UNS Surakarta), Irawati Kusumorasri (First Putri Solo, Director of Solo International Performing Arts), R.Ay. Febri Hapsari Dipokusumo (Chairperson and Trustees of the Putra Putri Solo Society), and Putra Solo 2006 and 2007.

In this 30th event, PPS Election is expected to add the tourism ambassadors for elevating Javanese culture to international. “I hope they can promote culture internationally,” ended Febri.

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