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Shares Joy on National Children’s Day 2019

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spot_img – Celebrating National Children’s Day, Best Western Premier (BWP) Solo Baru shares happiness with children from Yatim Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage Grogol. The children are invited to learn and play together.

Through a press release received by Soloevent, Solo New Public Relations Best Western Premier Roshyana Meyda Sufrian explained that the activity was attended by 20 children, ranging in age from 5 to 12 years. The event at the BWP Solo Baru was held at the 3rd floor Blue Garnet Pool Cafe.

“Games are given such as pipelines and communication. This game has a function to shape the spirit of leadership in groups, communication with friends, and improve cooperation and concentration,” he explained.

Not only games and gifts, but BWP Solo Baru also provides knowledge to children about how to cook hot dogs that are simple by their Chef, so that these children are expected to be able to practice again at the institution.

After being invited to play in groups and taught how to make a hot dog, the children were taken to Happy Time Hartono Mall Solo. There, they played a ball bath, Snow World, and the vehicle learned to be a pilot.

The activity that was held on Tuesday (07/23/2019) was part of the hotel’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. This year’s National Children’s Day, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) takes the theme We Are Indonesian Children, We Are Happy. In line with the theme of the government, BWP Solo Baru held this event.

“Of course by playing, reminding children of their right to enjoy life and have the opportunity to express themselves,” explained Roshyana.

The General Manager of the Best Western Premier Solo Baru Oji Fahrurrazi added that Indonesian children must remain enthusiastic, happy, and creative in achieving their goals. “All can be achieved if you have the spirit of learning and a strong desire to achieve your dreams of being a successful person,” he explained.

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