– The colorful painting decorates Bentara Budaya Balai Soedjatmoko. The painters are coming from Happiness House Community.
This Art exhibition takes the theme “Orak-Arik”. That theme is consisting of a point of view, idea, and perception from the community when they look around their place. There will be 40 works displayed.
The eight painters from Happiness House Community are Fine Art major of FSRD UNS Surakarta students. They are Amri Faqihudin, Andri Wijaya K, Agusu, Chairol Imam, Dionisius Krisnambudi, Hario Gembel, Hermawan Prastya, dan Lahir Setya B.
It uses acrylic, pastel, canvas, and many more. “King n Queen” as works by Agusu. All of the painting is curated by Sigit Purnomo and IGN Marutama.
It will be held on 25-29 April 2019 at 9:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. There is also a workshop “Wacana Seni Rupa Kontemporer” by Prof. Narsen Afatara and Bonyong Munny Ardhie on 26 April 2019 at 7:00 p.m. This exhibition is free for the public.
Then, Happiness House Community is formed since 2015, Fine Art Major of FSRD UNS Surakarta are dominated, member. They have a lot of program such as. Fine art discussion, exhibition, Art project and what they have.