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HomeUncategorizedCarnival of Grebeg Sudiro 2019: Caring for Diversity

Carnival of Grebeg Sudiro 2019: Caring for Diversity

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spot_img – The show must go on. The sentence is held tightly by the committee and participants of the Grebeg Sudiro Cultural Carnival 2019. Although the rain drops quite hard, it was not an issue. In fact, in drenched, the participants kept enjoying the event.

About one hour before the rain falls, the Grebeg Sudiro 2019 Cultural Carnival begins with a blessing procession on the jodang who will be paraded and Barongsai who will have attraction. It was carried out in front of the Tien Kok Sie Temple.

Before the carnival began, spectators were entertained by the attractions of the liong-barongsai Macan Putih Sudiro. The Grebeg Sudiro 2019 Cultural Carnival was dispatched by the Mayor of Solo F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo at 2:00 p.m. It was only 20 minutes on walk and the rain soaked Pasar Gede which became place for the carnival.

This cultural event held to enliven this Chinese New Year still carried the spirit of diversity. This time, there are 54 participating groups/communities. Some dress up like Monk Tom Sam Chong, Sun Go Kong, Srikandi, warok, and others. The shows offered various stages, such as lion dance, batik carnival, Balinese barong, and many more.

What is typical of this carnival is the parade of jodang containing Keranjang cakes. This year, the main jodang from are Jebres Station and Tian Ti Pagoda. Besides that, it was also hosted by the typical culinary of Sudiroprajan Village, including buns, herbs, janggelut, and gembukan.

After being chased, the residents grabbed the culinary in front of Tugu Jam Pasar Gede. The committee also distributed 4,000 Keranjang cakes from the second floor of Pasar Gede in the west building.

The Chair of the Grebeg Sudiro 2019 Committee, Angga Indrawan, explained that the carnival was one of a series of Grebeg Sudiro. “There are eight event here. This event seeks to bring benefits in the fields of tourism, economy and cultural appreciation,” he explained.

When giving a speech, Rudy (greeting F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo) said that this carnival was a form of caring for pluralism in Solo.

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