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Rumah Banjarsari: The Place of Expression

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Soloevent.id – Zen Zulkarnaen and his friends have initials to make a place for public in Solo. Zen, an artist, thinks that the ancient houses in Banjarsari can be used as an expression place of Solo residents.

The idea was sparked in 1.5 years ago. Then, he and his friends began to build and make the Rumah Banjarsari as an alternative public space.


“The owner is often in Jakarta and says that this place can be used. Then, me and my friends starting to manage this place from chairs, tables, etc. Actually any investor wants to involve, but we choose to manage it by ourselves,” he said when met Soloevent at Rumah Banjarsari on Friday (12/21/2018).

However, only the yard of House is made for public. The house is still a property of the Mangkunegaran family and is not allowed to be used by common people.


The area used as a public space is only the front, back and side of the house. The front and side are used for cafes or food courts. Meanwhile, the back area is used for art spaces, reading rooms, and discussions. Besides that there is an open space for music practice, muay thai, dance, etc.

Many agendas are often carried out at the Rumah Banjarsari, such as exhibitions, discussions, and community training. For example, there is gamelan in stored rooms from Muntilan studio. The gamelan is used twice a week for training.


“It always be crowded every weekend, like a contest for children,” said the Rumah Banjarsari’ manager.

Zen added that in the future it will build art shops and decorate Rumah Banjarsari with plants. Next month (January 2019) there is already an art shop that sells wooden sunglasses. Meanwhile, the plants will be cultivated so it can become an education place for the citizens of Solo.

Zen hopes that Banjarsari House can be used for art activists to express and gathering place for Solo residents.

You can go to Rumah Banjarsa with friends or watch art performances. This place is on Jl. Syamsurizal, Setabelan Village, Banjarsari District, Solo.


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