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Ramayana Opera: For Present But Not Forgetting Tradition

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spot_img – At the moment of Idul Fitri this year, Solo will hold another Bakdan ning Solo: Nonton Opera Ramayana. In the fourth edition, Bakdan ning Solo will perform the play “Gua Kiskenda”.

“Gua Kiskenda” is one of the footage from the Ramayana epics. It tells about the battle between Subali and Mahesa Sura and Lembu Sura in Gua Kiskenda. Mahesa Sura and Lembu Sura are strong enemies, Subali issued her magic called ajian Pancasona. These powerful weapons were given by Bathara Guru to noble saints.


This performance will present a dance that uses dialogue and song. To support the performance, the director of “Gua Kiskenda”, Agung Kusuma Widagdo, said the performance would be complemented by realistic costumes and artistic.

“[Costume] resembles film. And even though the performances are done in the present, but not forgetting the tradition,” he explained at a press conference at the Pendapa Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah, Saturday (11/11/2018).

Agung added that the show was supported by 150 artists. Dancers come from Studio Moncar Iswara and alumni of the Indonesian Institute of Art in Surakarta and involve elementary school children.

This Ramayana Opera will be accompanied by gamelan played by Dedek Orchestra Gamelan and Orchestra Gamaxiad. Dedek Wahyudi, as the composer, stated that the music at the Ramayana Opera not only served as an accompaniment and channeler of stories, but also appeared as a separate force. “We want to make it like a Javanese opera,” said Dedek.

Bakdan ning Solo: Nonton Opera Ramayana can be watched for free. This event will be held on June 18-20 2018 at Vastenburg Fortress. The Head of the Solo City Tourism Office, Hasta Gunawan, explained, this event was held to provide treats to the people of Solo – especially travelers – during the Lebaran holiday.

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