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Eid Holidays at TSTJ

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spot_img – When eid holiday came, one of the favorite recreational spots in Solo was the Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (TSTJ). Even it is a zoo that located on the banks of the Bengawan Solo River, every Eid al-Fitr hold Pekan Syawalan Jurug event. The event will be the staging of the Jaka Tingkir drama-action and closed with kupat deliver.

Now, you can enjoy the day and night in TSTJ because there is a new vehicle called Taman Pelangi Jurug. When the night comes, the TSTJ area is full with lanterns. Besides take photos with lanterns, visitors will also be entertained by dancing fountain attractions.


Pekan Syawalan Jurug



This activity will last for five days, June 15-19. With an entrance ticket of IDR 20 thousand, you can see the animals in TSTJ.

On the last day of the event, TSTJ held a Jaka Tingkir parade and divided thousands of kupat. Parade is scheduled to start at 10.00 WIB. Parade departed from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta and ended at TSTJ.

President Director of Taman Satwa Taru Jurug, Bimo Wahyu Widodo Dasir Santoso, said that the procession would be more live because this time inviting participants from several villages in Jebres Subdistrict, such as Kepatihan Kulon, Purwodiningratan, Sudiroprajan, Jagalan, and Sewu.


Taman Pelangi Jurug


Opened in December 2017, Taman Pelangi Jurug immediately becomes a hits place in Solo. There are many beautiful LED installations and various forms of lanterns that are suitable as background photos.

Taman Pelangi Jurug still has dancing fountain. After experiencing improvements for about six months, the beauty of a dancing fountain can be enjoyed again.

Dancing fountain is supported by 200 LED lights with a total of 10 thousand watts. Attractions that will be exhibited include water screens and laser games.

Enough with IDR 20 thousand (normal day) and IDR 25 thousand (weekend), you can see the beauty of Taman Pelangi Jurug. This vehicle is open from 17.00-22.00 WIB.

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