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Low-price Book Bazaar has Blast Buyers

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spot_img – Bernita Silvana Christy looked happy after getting three books after searching for a long time. “I’ve been looking for a long time, but I never met, I found it here,” she told Soloevent.

The 6th semester student of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta Medical Education considers low-price book bazaar held by Cafe Librarie as a collection of treasures. “If you want to see everything one by one, it doesn’t even finish one year,” she said.

Yes, there are thousands of books that you can meet at this low-price book bazaar. Not only local books, there are also foreign books here, novels, biographies, comics, recipes, school books, college books, story books, boy band photo albums, magazines to coloring books for children sold at prices which doesn’t make a flat bag. The price range is between IDR 5,000- 80,000.


This book bazaar was initiated by the owner of Cafe Librarie, Prof. Sutanto. On the basis of sharing knowledge with fellow students, the lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UNS Surakarta held this event.

“What we transfer is knowledge. I was shocked by the enthusiasm of the people to find out knowledge was as big as this. This is the spirit that we must keep.” he said when met by Soloevent.

He claimed that the books were selling well look at the high interest in literacy of the Solo community. “People are actually curious. I asked at 9:00 p.m. had finished, but until 11:00 p.m. there were still many visitors. It also has finished 1 track book. This is another track [that runs out]. My target is 6 tracks.” he added.

Well, if you are curious, the book bazaar will be held in front of Cafe Librarie, Setabelan, Banjarsari. The event will be held from 10 May to 11 June 2018. The bazaar is opened starting at 9:00 a.m.

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