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Solo Freestyle Football Competition

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If you like football, try to be freestyle. There is a freestyle competition in Solo, Freestyle Football Competition. There are 3 categories, under 11 years categories, 12-15 years categories, and 16 years old categories and above. Please register according to your category, the registration fee is only 50 thousand. Then if you win you can bring millions rupiah, easy right?

There will be Freestyle competition, a ball school exhibition, a coaching clinic, a performance from Beta Sumarlin and a photo contest with the Freestyle Football theme.

Do you know Beta Sumarlin? He is a Professional Freestyler from Jakarta. He began to wrestle the world of freestyler since 2007 ago. Hurry up join in Solo Freestyle Football Competition to stay close with Beta Sumarlin.

Event: Solo Freestyle Football Competition

Date: June 15, 2014

Place: Manahan Solo Stadium Parakeet Area

Cost: IDR 50,000.00

Info: 085867300609, 087836355118

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