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Oriental Menu in Lunar Year

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spot_img – The Forbidden City Gala Dinner present to celebrate the Lunar Year at Andrawina Restaurant, Novotel on 24 January at 6 PM.

Yee Sang, the typically Lunar Year Food, will be served as the appetizer. And the main course will be Ayam Pengemis with Plum Sauce and Peking Duck with Hoisin Sauce. Don’t worry the Indonesian menu also served here.

Sous Chef Novotel Hotel Solo Sutarno said that Ayam Pengemis and Bebek Peking are new menus that are suited with Indonesian taste. “We offered two menus that have taste for Solo tongue,” He said on Friday (17/1/2020).

For your dessert, The Metal Mouse Cake will spoil you. This menu is especially offered for the Lunar Year. The accessories for this cake is 3 mice.

To attract the audience, Barongsai dance and Mandarin singer will accompany on that night. Win a lucky angpao too. “The Forbidden City Gala Dinner” is only IDR 189.000 net/pack.

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