Tuesday, February 4, 2025
HomeUncategorizedFind Kampoeng Tiongkok in Solo

Find Kampoeng Tiongkok in Solo

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Soloevent.id – Chinese nuance, anyone? Wanna feel that nuance but don’t have money to come there. Just stop by Solo Paragon Mall. To celebrate the Chinese Lunar Year 2571, they have Kampung Tiongkok on 22-27 January.

It brings the “Plurality in Harmony” theme. SPV Event Promo Solo Paragon Mall, Aji Budi Saputro, says that the culinary festival also adorns this event. There will be 50 kinds of food, lawful and unlawful. Here, the designer Rory Wardana will take place to show his fashion design.

Then, Centro Department Store also holds bazaar on 8-19 January 2020. And to make the Solo Imlek Festival complete, the Mandarin songs will be played on 19 January.

Lunar Year will not complete with Barongsai that eat their angpau which is provided by the tenants. So, wait for that!

Also, Solo Paragon has a new Priority Member program. For the Priority Member who has a minimum transaction in IDR 300.000 will get a coupon that announces on 18 February.

For you who love shopping like sipping water, Solo Paragon Mall also has Helo Market Solo #18 “Chinoiserie” on 29 January- 02 February at the atrium mall.

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