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7 Events for Chinese New Year in Surakarta

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spot_img – The Lunar Year in Solo will be enlivened with the “Merajut Kebhinekaan Memperkokoh NKRI” Solo Lunar Festival (SIF). The event, which is held by Solo Imlek Committee, has many events.

5,000 lanterns

Pasar Gede Market will be decorated with 5,000 lanterns. Not only the round and red shapes, there are also 12 zodiac lanterns that will be installed along Sudirman and also the Pasar Gede Market. These lanterns will be lit on January 19-February 29, 2020. Every night, this lantern installation succeeded in attracting the enthusiasm of the residents.

Blood Donation

Want to help others? The Solo Imlek Committee will hold a social service in the form of blood donations held at the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) office in Solo on January 18, 2020.

Grebeg Sudiro

This annual event is a symbol of acculturation of Chinese and Javanese cultures in Sudiroprajan, a multi-ethnic village. It is held on January 19, 2020. In this carnival, participants will parade and distribute thousands of New Year cakes (Kue Keranjang in Indonesia).

Karaoke Contest

Sing, anyone? The committee will hold a karaoke contest in Mandarin songs held at Solo Paragon Mall, January 19, 2020.

Photo Contest

Instead of just uploading it on social media or just stored on a computer, it’s better if your photo works are contested. Who knows, it could be your luck in this Metal Rat year. The competition is opened from 10 January to 10 February 2020.

Solo Lunar Fair

This January 14-18, 2020 at the Surakarta Society Building will have live music, photo contests, fashion shows, lion dance attractions, food festivals, Wushu, taekwondo, Mandarin calligraphy art, to Chinese speech competitions.

Cap Go Meh

Cap Go Meh or the 15-day celebration after the Chinese New Year will be held at the Surakarta City Hall on February 8, 2020.

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