– Solo is hosting the 14th Interior Design Student Work Meeting (TKMDI). The event takes place at Campus II of Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta, Wednesday-Friday (18-20 / 10/2019).
TKMDI is a biennial program held by universities throughout Indonesia that have Interior Design Programs. “This program has a purpose as a comparative study of work between students. So, we can discover new ideas to enrich our work,” said Zidan, one of the TKMDI 14 committees.
The 26 delegates include Universitas Mercubuana, Institut Kesenian Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Tarumanegara, Sekolah Tinggi Desain Interstudi, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Telkom University, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, and more.
Zidan added to participate in this event they should pass the review work first.
It hopes that the participants will become leading interior designers who can help promote and use interior supporting products and become partners.
The event opened by the Surakarta Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta Rector, Dr. Guntur, M.Hum, at GPH Joyokusumo Campus I ISI Surakarta. In his remarks, the Chancellor revealed that in essence, the design is a problem solver. “We have such a proud architectural history like Borobudur Temple, so it should also be in the interior field,” he said.
Seminars, workshops, excursions, knowledge products, and expo are also rolling out here. This event will enliven by art performances and food bazaars.