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Post Fest Homes for Creative Art

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spot_img – Done in Jakarta, the Post Fest art festival will stop by Solo. This event features a variety of activities, such as art exhibitions, film screenings, music performances, fashion, dance, and theater. The event holds in six different places in Solo for two weeks, 30 August to 15 September 2019.

Post Festival is a movement initiated by Sardono W. Kusumo. It organized by the Jakarta Arts Institute Postgraduate to provide new ideas about a festival based on research, training, and experimentation. It trained by art experts by emphasizing the strength of three main pillars of individual artists, institutions, and creative communities.

The hallmark of Post Fest is compatible and has the potential of diverse arts and cultural spaces. Hence, in Solo, the Post Fest was held at the UNS Mesen Campus (30 August-15 September), UNS Inn (1 September), Pendapa Solo City Hall (1 September), Jurug Solo Zoo (31 August and 6-8 September), Bentara Culture Soedjatmoko Hall (4 September), and IELC Campus (7-8 September).

Sardono W. Kusumo said that this event provides creative space for anyone who wanted to do art. Post Fest can reach, empower potential, and research on the character of the locality and specific spaces in particular, as well as reaching out and creating corridors of collaboration between communities and creative spaces. “Nyi Penggung Gamelan by Peni Candrarini will perform Gelung,” he said at Ndalem Joyokusuman, Gajahan, Thursday (8/29/2019).

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