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Independence Day at Mall?

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spot_img – This national holiday celebrated throughout Indonesia with parades, community gatherings, athletic events involving adults and children such as sack races, eating Indonesian crackers (known as ‘krupuk’), and performing arts festivals.

This year, malls in Solo will also celebrate that.

  1. Solo Grand Mall

The first mall in Solo has Panjat Pinang Pitulasan for an annual event to enliven the Republic of Indonesia Anniversary. It starts on August 28, 2019. Solo Grand Mall Public Relations Relations, Ni Wayan Ratrina, said that the management team, tenants, and business partners join it. Also, the SIPA 2019 Pre-event is on August 15, the Ow MY Plate Coloring Contest (August 17), and other events.

  1. Solo Square

Semangat Merah Putih is a theme to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day. Several events already held, such as Mobile Legend Competition (2/8/2019) and Coloring Competition Mencintai Alam (4/8/2019).

For the following events are a Blood Donation (10 and 22 August 2019) on the Side Entrance Ground Floor, the pre-event of Ndalem Gondosuli Batik Week (24 August), and the Solo Music Competition 2019 (31 August – 1 September).

  1. Solo Paragon Mall

The August, SIPA pre-event held by the Surakarta City Government on August 17th at the Food Factory Lt. 4. There are also Home&Interior Expo (9-18 August), Sole Society with IST (10-11 August), Drink & Bread Festival #2 (14-17 August), and other events.

  1. The Park Mall Solo Baru

The Park Mall will hold a Red and White Festival. The event opened with the Coffee Festival (12-18 August), Reading Pancasila Text Contest for Kindergarten and Elementary Schools (13 August), the Brewing Competition, and the Lomba rakyat (14 August). The Park Mall Public Relations, Christina Tri Mawarti, explained that Lomba rakyat fills with catching eels and tug of war (14/082019). It is for the public.

Also, Lomba Rakyat by Lottemart is on 15 August. Singing Contest (atrium), Stage Bus Jazz Tour (southern parking), and EMMA Car Audio Contest (western parking) is on the 18th.

  1. Hartono Mall Solo Baru

Hartono Mall will be the venue for the 76IDH Urban 2019. Downhill is usually done on a hill. At the event, the participants have to race their bikes in the mall. The event will hold for two days, August 17-18.

Other events are Hans Championship #5 (August 23-25) and Audio Competition (August 25)

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