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Solo Batik Carnival 2019, Color of Southeast Asian

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spot_img – In this twelfth edition, Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) has a new aim. It focused on invited the foreign tourists over the theme Suvarnabhumi: The Golden of ASEAN.

Southeast Asia’ icons wore in costumes of the Solo Batik Carnival 2019 participants. Grand Carnival SBC 2019 featured costumes exhibition on Saturday (07/27/2019), from Jl. Bhayangkara, Sriwedari towards Surakarta City Hall. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Achmad Purnomo also wore the carnival costumes to live it up.

Through the ages, SBC always gets all of the public attention. Here, the spectators immediately grasp for taking a photo with the defiles.

Here is a collection of images at the Grand Carnival SBC 2019.

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