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Padi Lights Up Solo with Dynamic Comeback

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spot_img – A band that popular in the late ’90s, Padi (now Padi Reborn), ready to greet Solo at the #IniMerekGue Brands Concert event which was the peak night of Solo Best Brand Index-Jogja Best Brand Index (SBBI-JBBI) 2019. This event will be held at De Tjolomadoe, Karanganyar, on Friday (03/05/2019).

It’s been 14 long years since their last performance in Solo, the singer band “Semua Tak Sama” will present a special appearance. The Business Manager of Padi Reborn Poetry Aditya said that Padi Reborn will present a special song with beautiful highlight and decorate. A total of 12 songs will be played among them are Padi hits songs such as “Sobat” and “Begitu Indah”.

One day before the concert, on Thursday (2/5/2019), Padi Reborn rollout meets and greet with Sobat Padi at Griya Solopos. This event was presented by 4 Padi Reborn members, Satriyo Yudi Wahono or Piyu (guitarist), Surendro “Yoyo” Prasetyo (drummer), Ari Tri Sosianto (guitarist), dan Rindra Risyanto Noor (bassist). Sadly the vocalist, Andi Fadly Arifudin can’t join this event.

Since 2017 they settled with a new name, everything just going right said, Ari. “Padi Reborn as same as a classic car, it is like Mercy Tiger. Although it has a classic body it offers the new Germany machine. Padi Reborn will give you the new performance,” added Ari.

Have a concert in Solo, Piyu share stories about the city where his mother came from. “I am very familiar with Solo. My mother is from Margoyudan, Solo. That’s why when I came here, what I was looking for first was Tengkleng,” he joked.

Padi Reborn also shared their activities. Reportedly, in Ramadan, the pop-rock band is preparing a new album. Their new album will be released next August. “We also had time to issue a short film about the process of the Padi trip. The film is titled Menanti Sebuah Jawaban,” said Yoyo.

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