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The Elegance of Fashion and Food for Welcoming Ramadhan

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spot_img – The Sunan Solo Hotel held Fashion & Luncheon, on Tuesday (4/23/2019).

Welcoming Ramadan, the four-star hotel presents a collection of Muslim clothing from Bilqis by Tuty Adib. It rolled out at Narendra Restaurant, the fashion show “Dazzling Ramadan” was divided into three sequences. All collections displayed are Tuty Adib’s designs.

These pastel-colored Muslim dresses are made from cerruty chiffon. Tuty gives a touch of handmade sweetened with beads or sequins, so it can bring out a feminine and elegant aura.

In the last, Tuty Adib displays her works made from Payakumbuh silk. The work has once wandered on the grand fashion show stage, Indonesia Fashion Week, March 2019.

The General Manager of The Sunan Hotel Solo, Retno Wulandari explained that the Fashion & Luncheon this time wanted to provide a reference for people who want to plan the Ramadan agenda, such as destinations for events to open together to inspire clothes that will be worn during Eid al-Fitr.

Regarding the Ramadan menu, The Sunan Hotel Solo offers an iftar package at Narendra Restaurant. Only IDR 99,099.00 net/person, you can enjoy the local dishes of Solo wrapped in “Javanese Buffet Dinner”. It is offering appetizers, main meals, and dessert.

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