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Show off the Barista Skills at Kayu Manis

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spot_img – Kayu Manis Coffee and Steak is one of coffee shop in Solo. Tuesday (9/4/2019), this cafe which located in Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 158, Timuran, Banjarsari, held manual brewing competition for barista. This event is held to celebrate their 3rd anniversary.

The theme of event is Agitation, 45 barista from all around Solo shows off their skill to agigate the coffee. The barista can use all the utility. The head of this event, Triyono said the criteria of judging are aroma, balance, acidity, sweetness, and body.

There will be three judges for giving a point. Also for the point every participant will get “good” (1 point), “well done” (2 point), and “best” (4 point). The point will be accumulated and the participant who gets highest score will go to the next stage. There will be four stages in here.

Triyono said this event also want to increase skills of the barista, also to adding their knowledge about coofee. “for this event , they already prepare their skills,”.

Marketing Communication Kayu Manis Coffee and Steak Rika Kuncoro said that Agitation is the first event which held by Kayu Manis. For the future this event will held annually. Their staff also prepares contents to introduce Kayu Manis and their franchise, Ikan Goreng Cianjur, which located in same area.

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