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Rendy Pandugo and Midnight Quickie Recycling KLa Project Song

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spot_img – KLa Project fans is waiting for their idol come to Colomadu on Saturday (30/3/2019). In that day, their idol will perform at Memorable Concert KLaboration. It will be special because KLa Project will collaborate with two musicians.

Can’t wait for it, right?

“Midnight Quickie have been remix one of their hits song. Methink, everybody know that song” said vocalist of Midnight Quickie Charita Utami at Royal Besaran De Tjolomadoe, Saturday noon.

Irsan Ramadhan, also said that it will be remix in Midnight Quickie style.  “it would be different, but familiar to young people,” KLa Project – representative by Adi Adrian – gave all decicion to Midnight Quickie for remix that song.

Tami – Charita Utami – said that in Memorable Concert KLaboration, Midnight Quickie will sing that song with KLa Project. Rendy Pandugo will also do that too. “I will bring two song, and I know you all already know. That is evergreen and longlast,” said Rendy.

Midnight Quickie and Rendy Pandugo is glad to sing together with the legend band, KLa Project. KLa Project created so many hits song, so these two young musician is easy to choose it.

Are you curious with this collaboration? Just come to De Tjolomadoe, this night. The committee provides Festival ticket only  IDR 450.000.

This concert promoted by PT Sinergi Colomadu collaborate with Gudlive x Teras . this concert is held to celebrate 1st of De Tjolomadoe.

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