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Opak and Rickshaw at the Keluarga Cemara Film

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spot_img – Did you watch Keluarga Cemara in 90’s? If you miss it, you can go to the cinema starting at January 3, 2018. Yep, the Keluarga Cemara was finally on the screen.

The film was directed by Yandy Laurens. The cast is no longer Adi Kurdi, Novia Kolopaking, Ceria HD, Annisa Fujianti, but Ringgo Agus Rahman (Abah), Nirina Zubir (Emak), Adhisty Zara (Euis), and Widuri Putri Sasono (Ara).




Not only changing the cast, this film will be showing a modern side. “Why is it made today? Because it proof that the old value still relevant to do in this day.” Yandy Laurens said at XXI The Park Mall Solo Baru, on Friday (01/04/2019).

Yandy’s statement was supported by research on 150 families in Indonesia. Before the story was made, the film crew conducted research on the problems that are faced by Indonesian families.

As a result, when compared to 15 years ago, the root causes remained same, but not with the shape. “How process of family adaptation in this day? We want to disclose about it,” he explained.

Ringgo said that even we are in the modern era, we will not leave the value behind. Especially, in this film, it will be relevant without change the value from its film.




The icons of the Keluarga Cemara such as rickshaw, opak, simple houses are still maintained too. “This is the Keluarga Cemara. Everything on it always be like that.” said this 36-year-old actor.

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