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Theater Tulang Pinocchio’s Musical Performance

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spot_img – This time, the theater group from Surakarta 6 Public High School performed Pinocchio at Arena Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah Theater on Friday (10/02/2018).

Get to know Tulang Theater

Tulang Theater is one of the extracurricular activities in SMAN 6 Surakarta. It is part of the student theater in Solo. Tulang Theater often won awards, so this group is already well known among theater activists in Solo.

Since the 90s, Tulang action is always awaited. That night the Pinocchio ticket was sold out.

Special performances

This performance has been prepared since a few months ago. The original plan was to take place in September. However, due to several constraints, Pinocchio could only be held in October.

The show which was played by 45 members of the Tulang Theater was different from the previous one because it was conceptualized with a musical drama.


A musical Performance of Pinocchio

Appointed from the work of Callo Collodi, Pinocchio recounts the journey of Pinocchio to the Island of Dreams. Pinocchio and Uncle Gepetto were the main characters.

One of the public relations teams at the Pinocchio performance, Firhan Nurhantiko explained, this show had a correlation with the situation of children today. “We only want to convey a positive message to the audience,” he explained to Soloevent.

Directed by Yogi Swara Manitis Aji

Just like the previous annual stage, Yogi Swara Manitis Aji returned to being the director. Yogi is an alumni of the Surakarta Senior High School 6 as well as a Bone Theater coach.

Involving several high school alumni of the N 6 Surakarta

The members of this theater are not only students of Surakarta N 6 High School, but also from alumni.

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