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Fun with Top Singers in Harmoni Pasar Klewer

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spot_img – Indonesia’s top singers on Friday-Saturday (3-4 / 8/2018) perform in Solo in the Harmoni Pasar Klewer

Via Vallen became the first to perform. This dangdut singer who has hits song for Asian Games opening ceremony. The 2018 Asian Games theme song, “Reaching Stars”, begins Via Vallen’s performance. “This is the first time” Meraih Bintang “was brought together using dangdut in Solo.” she said. Other songs sung by Via Vallen, namely “Sewu Kutho”, “Ora Jodo”, “Sayang”, and “Lagi Shantik”.



After the break of Maghrib, Tulus turn greeted his fans. Selected songs from the album Tulus, Gajah, and Monokrom managed to create sing along, especially, “Teman Hidup”. In the song Tulus came down the stage and greeted his fans.

Harmoni Pasar Klewer concert stick was then given to Raisa. Appearing for about an hour, Raisa also played her hits, including a new single, “Lagu Untukmu”. “I wrote the song specifically for my mother,” she explained.

After being made baper by Tulus and Raisa, the audience was more melted. This time the one responsible is the legendary pop band, Kahitna. Since the first song, “Takkan Terganti”, the melancholy atmosphere has spread in every corner of Solo City Hall.



The audience became more excited when Kahitna invited a female audience to go on stage. In the song “Tak Sebebas Merpati”, three Kahitna vocalists: Carlo Saba, Hedi Yunus, and Mario Ginanjar were in the same scene as men who proposed to their idol women. The audience was immediately melted.



Even though the night was getting late, the audience hadn’t moved because there were still two remaining performers, namely GAC (Gamaliel Audrey Cantika) and Andra and the Backbone.

Harmoni Pasar Klewer the second day was opened by Papua Original in the afternoon. After the break of Maghrib, Dwiki Dharmawan Project invited the audience to explore the world of sound through jazz songs, such as “Impenan”, “Samarkand”, “Rintak Rebana”, and others.

Among the performers on the second day, Ipang Lazuardi was the only one who appeared rocking. He sang “Sahabat Kecil”, “Tentang Cinta”, “Berani”, “Ada yang Hilang”, and others.

Even though the clock was already 23:30 WIB, the Harmoni Pasar Klewer concert was not over and the audience was still reluctant to go home. They are waiting for the last viewer: Glenn Fredly. When Glenn took the stage with “My Everything”, the crowd immediately greeted him.



“It’s great to be able to return to Solo. This is my first outdoor concert in this city, “said Glenn. Towards the end of his performance, the 42-year-old singer left a message to his fans. “Building a nation requires cooperation, not blame. Diversity is important. I offer this song for that, “said Glenn, starting his last song,” Kasih Putih “.

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