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Homeart and cultureJaka Tingkir Divide Up Ketupat at TSTJ Solo

Jaka Tingkir Divide Up Ketupat at TSTJ Solo

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spot_img – While riding a coach, Jaka Tingkir smiles and spreads coins to the public. “Mas, uncalke kene!” Said a middle-aged woman. The request was followed by Jaka Tingkir then the villagers directly grabbed the coin.

That is snippet of Kirab Jaka Tingkir held at the Taru Jurug Animal Park (TSTJ) Solo, Tuesday (6/19/2018). Kirab Jaka Tingkir is an annual event held by TSTJ to mark the end of the Lebaran holiday event, Pekan Syawalan Jurug. 2018, the event will take place June 15-19.


Every year, the actor Jaka Tingkir always changes. This time Putra Solo 2017, Aby Rafdi Ruthtama Surya, was chosen to play Jaka Tingkir. Aby wears green beskap, jarit, blangkon, and jasmine.

Kirab starts from the boulevard behind Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, then passes Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara and Jl. Kyai H. Masykur, then ended at TSTJ.


Kirab also performed art shows from seven villages in Jebres Subdistrict, such as Lembu Sura, Lion Dance, White Tiger Sudiro, Reog Ponorogo, and others. The parade group also paraded the mountains of ketupat and apam cakes.

At the peak of the event; Jaka Tingkir, Director of TSTJ Solo, and Deputy Mayor of Solo distributed ketupat and cakes to TSTJ visitors. “There are 3,000 ketupat and 1,000 apam which we share,” explained Director of Taru Jurug Animal Park, Bimo Wahyu Widodo Dasir.


Why ketupat? “In the Javanese tradition, ketupat or kupat is interpreted as claiming [guilty]. The hope is that we can forgive each other, return to the sacred, and uphold togetherness in Eid al-Fitr, “explained the Deputy Mayor of Solo, Achmad Purnomo.

Purnomo represented the Mayor of Solo, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, hopes that the Kirab Jaka Tingkir and the ketupat can provide entertainment for the community, while at the same time making TST a family tourism destination.

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