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Celebrate Solo Anniversary, Share Jenang Which has Philosophy

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spot_img – Saturday (02/17/2018) became a happy day for Solo. On that day, Solo is 273 years old. To celebrate, the Solo City Government held the Semarak Jenang Sala. The event was a substitute for the Solo Jenang Festival which this year failed to be held.

Held at Vastenburg Fortress, there were 273 booths that enlivened the Semarak Jenang Solo. Participants come from offices, government agencies, hotels, banks, traditional markets, and others. There are 17 kinds of traditional jenang served at this event. The fun is full of philosophy.



For example is Jenang Salaka. This Jenang symbolizes that purity belongs only to God. As His servants, humans must be aware of their passions and always correct themselves as a way of knowing God.

Then there is Jenang Ngangrang. This golden yellow jenang holds meaning so that humans must always learn to control their emotions so that their inner strength can benefit others.

  1. Wiyono, a cultural observer from Solo, said that jenang had existed for a long time. “Studied historically and culturally, jenang is a cultural heritage that must be preserved,” he explained.

In line with ST. Wiyono, Chairman of the Semarak Jenang Sala Committee, Subagiyo, added, every moment of human life, jenang always exists. “Since humans in the womb, were born, raised, even back to God, there are always jenang there,” he said.

Celebrating the joy of Solo’s anniversary, the jenang was distributed free to the public.



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