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HomeUncategorizedGiant Dog Lanterns: Welcoming Chinese New Year

Giant Dog Lanterns: Welcoming Chinese New Year

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spot_img – Welcoming the Chinese New Year, various places in Solo offer interesting and typical Chinese New Year decorations, with no exception of Solo Square Mall.

Different from the previous year, since the beginning of entering the mall yard, Chinese nuances have been seen. Visitors are greeted with red giant dog lanterns. Not only as photo’s background, but the dog lantern also tells about what this year is.

Solo Square took the theme “Love in Prosperity” from February 14-21, 2018. “This theme was taken to commemorate Chinese New Year and valentine’s date,” said Marketing Solo Square, Adrian.

There are a total of 21 events in Love in Prosperity, starting from music performances, wushu kids, cooking demos, food plating, food photography, Chinese New Year fashion shows, to fashion design competitions.

The visitors can also participate by registering at the event organizer. “For example, like food photography, visitors can contact Vallens Cake first,” he added.

On February 18 there was a concert from Purwacaraka Music Studio. Reportedly, Purwacaraka was planned to attend to greet visitors. On the same date, there are barongsai kids.

For those of you who like to eat cakes, especially contemporary cakes, in “Love in Prosperity” you can find a variety of pastries of the artists. The ones who opened the booth were Prabu Solo, Wingko Rolls, Solo Pluffy, and Vallens Cake.


Author: Yasinta Rahmawati

Photo: Reza Kurnia Darmawan

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