Monday, March 10, 2025
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Earth Day in Art

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Earth Day is celebrated every year around the world to campaign for environmental concerns. Earth Day is held every April 22, which becomes the consensus of the United Nations (UN). Earth Day is globally commemorated by more than 192 countries and documented globally by the Earth Day Network.

The name Earth Day was first conceived by John McCgaonnel in 1969 at the UNESCO conference in San Francisco. He proposed on March 21, 1970, on the first day of the northern hemisphere summer.

The commemoration of Earth Day or Earth Day was also done by friends from the Faculty of Literature & Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University (UNS). They plan to hold a Fine Arts Exhibition titled “Earth Day” on April 21-23 2014 at 09.00 – finished at the Central Java Cultural Park Fine Art Gallery.

Event: “Earth Day” Fine Art Exhibition.

Date: April 21-23 2014

Hours: 09.00 WIB – finished.

Place: Central Java Cultural Park Fine Art Gallery

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