Thursday, July 25, 2024
Homeart and cultureGamelan on Solo Batik Fashion 2019?

Gamelan on Solo Batik Fashion 2019? – With Solo Membatik Dunia theme, the outdoors Solo Batik Fashion (SBF) 2019 rollout at Surakarta City Hall. Rory Wardhana, the director, explained this venue has historical value and a symbol of the Surakarta City government.

“This Dutch colonial building has its value. Also, the City Hall has the power of government in the city of Surakarta,” he explained.

Just so you know a gamelan will be on the catwalk tho. Nowadays, this traditional musical instrument already attracted young people to learn it more.

Then, the designers from Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Jakarta will join this event. It includes Tuty Adib, Bela Kwarta, Joko SSP, Robin Karebet, Rory Wardhana, and many more.

Also, Rory Wardhana will present 18 Nusantara Batik in modern kebaya and blazer clothes.



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