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Payung Teduh: New Formation To Perform

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spot_img – Do you miss Payung Teduh in Solo? Since his vocalists Muhammad Istiqamah Djamad parted ways with the band, Payung Teduh has not shown in Solo. But, on February 15, 2019, they will be performing at the Grand Ballroom of The Sunan Hotel Solo at Harmoni Rasa Concert featuring Payung Teduh.

In Solo, the band which released Mendengar Suara last year will appear in a new formation. “Payung Teduh will feature guest vocalist Marsha Dita, who is the Personal Manager of Payung Teduh,” wrote The Sunan Hotel Solo in a release received by Soloevent.

After Is ended his journey with his friends, the band which was founded in 2007 ensured that he would not look for a new vocalist. Instead, they invited guest vocalists to present something different. The band that began their career in the theater has three personnel now, Ivan Penywyn (vocals, guitar), Aziz “Comi” Kariko (contrabass), and Alejandro “Cito” Saksame (drums).

They will bring the hits. One of them is “Sebuah Lagu”, which became the soundtrack of Disney’s animated film, Wreck-It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet. Payung Teduh reportedly will also sing “Resah”, “Cerita Gunung dan Laut”, “Tidurlah”, “Lagu Duka”, and others.

Do you want to watch? You can get concert tickets for IDR 50,000 (early bird) and IDR 75,000 (on the spot) at The Sunan Hotel Solo. The Sunan Hotel Solo added the concert will be held exclusively. Viewers who come are encouraged to wear floral-patterned clothes. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m.

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