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Indonesia Grafika Expo 2014 Solo

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Indonesia Grafika Expo 2014 Solo is an exhibition for preraring ASEAN Economic Community 2015. This exhibition will be held in 4 days, start from Wednesday – Saturday, on 12th – 15th March 2014 at Diamond Solo Convention Center, Jl. Slamet Riyadi no. 392 Solo.

The exhibition was held as a form of actively participating in the development of industry and graphic business per the region. Besides that, it took part in improving the quality of graphic products by socializing the use of appropriate technology and techniques. It is supporting the government in entrepreneurial socialization and business improvement in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community. This exhibition is not only an effective forum for selling, branding and promotion of graphic business products along with the supporting capacity of their equipment, but also a place for direct communication between producers of business products and the latest technology (including dealers and stores) in the field of graphics. So, it will provide a solution to the needs of graphic technology.

In this time Indonesia Grafika Expo 2014 the program was divided into 3 concentrations, namely: Exhibition (Exhibition), Conference (Conference) and Training (Training & Seminar). By synergizing three main components, Industry (entrepreneur) + Government (regulatory holder) + University (education / education) so promotions and exhibition programs can be targeted and hit.

  • Event: Indonesia Grafika Expo 2014 Solo Exhibition
  • Date: Wednesday – Saturday, 12-15 March 2014

Place: Diamond Solo Convention Center, Jl. Slamet Riyadi no. 392 Solo.

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