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Exploring Old Culinary Through the 2014 Culinary Book Exhibition

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spot_img – The study of culinary history in Indonesia is so little. Basic food issues such as food shortages, food security, food imports, food smuggling are more discussed in the media. Even though, we have abundant ingredients regarding food history or culinary history. Food recipe books are proof that we have a culinary history that is not less interesting than other nations.

The journey of the Indonesian people is often seen only from political events, social events, and economic events. More heroic stories are presented before us. “Not important” stories are rarely recorded. That minor story, including food and culinary history, is often forgotten and abandoned.

Few nations in the world see their journey through food history or culinary history. The United States, Britain, and the Philippines include those nations that have new insights into their culture through food history or culinary history. They have published a history of food culinary history because they consider food and culinary issues as important. So actually we can see a nation’s journey through culinary history.

The oldest known food recipe book was published in 1845 (third printing) with Malay. The book written by Miss Cornelia was titled Kokkie Bitja or Indian cuisine which was caught up in how people provided all roepa roepa food, maniesan, atjaran, and sambalan.

Historical books like that must be preserved and we review them because from history we can understand the struggles and stories of antiquity. It is through this culinary book exhibition that we dug back pieces of history and culinary journeys from 1900 – 2000.

  • Event: 1900-2000 Culinary Book Exhibition A Century of Modern Culinary Arts in Indonesia
  • Date: February 13-18 2014
  • Place: Soedjatmoko Hall, Jl Slamet Riyadi 284 Solo

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