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DJ Una performs in Solo

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DJ-UNA-MANGGUNG-DI-SOLO – Everyone knows about DJane or known as DJ UNA. This DJ of DAHSYAT will entertain the adolescent in Solo. Event that called ‘Girls Night Out’ will be held in Social Kitchen Solo. When it comes? It is Today 28 February 2014 at 10 pm till ‘drop’. DJ UNA will be companied by the beautiful DJ from Jogja, DJ ROSE. DJ that already familiar in Jogja will collaborates with DJ UNA. Not only this is 2 beautiful DJ there will be MC LUCKY ‘Fade Out’. We will wait for this night so, don’t miss it.

Actually DJ Una is an actress. She already starred in Series and Movie, Such as: Gadis Bali (2006), Miss Sambung Cinta vs Mr Putus Cinta (2007), Sampai Siaga I (2007), Dea vs Mama Pacarnya (2008), Punya Kakak Lebih Cantik (2008), Gadis Pengirim Pesan Cinta (2008). For movie, she played Air Terjun Pengantin Phuket  (2013).

The girl from Medan was born on October, 24 1987 has real name Putri Una Astari. Fyi, – She was an actress and model, but because his brother (Hary) playing ‘turn table’ she ask her brother to teach her. First playing is already made her fall in love with this thing then makes her addict and trying to learn by herself. Now, she becomes to be a famous DJ.

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