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Chinese New Year 2020 in Solo

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spot_img – Sudiroprajan village is considered the Chinatown of Surakarta. They routinely held Grebeg Sudiro since 2008.  This event held to celebrate the Lunar Year. The concept is the blending of Javanese and Chinese cultures on display in the carnival. The kinds of events are Umbul Mantram, bazaar, Kali Pepe decorated boat, and cultural carnival. The peak of the event is Grebeg Sudiro.

This year, Cultural Carnival is on 19 January. This event is centered at Pasar Gede Market. In the parade, thirteen mounds of Kue keranjang and one main of jodang (the crowd held up mountains) bring vegetables and fruits from Pasar Gede Market. This main Jodang (icon of Grebeg Sudiro) shaped as kris miniature and Surakarta City Hall.

A total of 55 of traditional arts are in the parade, like Barongsai Macan Putih. This year, the Grebeg Sudiro committee does more selective to choose the participants. The head of the Grebeg Sudiro 2020 committee, Arga Dwi Setyawan, confirms it.

“This time, The Mayor of Solo and his fellows will join this carnival,” he said at Pendapa Kelurahan Sudiroprajan on Thursday (9/1/2020).

After the carnival, the committee will distribute 4.000 Kue keranjang to people. It will be on the west side of Pasar Gede Market. Also, people can enjoy riding the boat across Kali Pepe only IDR 10.000.

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