Sunday, September 8, 2024
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CCTV Is Increasingly Demanded!

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spot_img – Asosiasi Pengusaha Komputer Indonesia (Apkomido) DPD Solo hold a computer and CCTV exhibition. The second exhibition in 2019 will take place at Hartono Mall Solo Baru.

Treasurer of Apkomindo DPD Solo Harsono Paulus explained that CCTV features with advanced technology increasingly demand. The Apkomindo Solo members were in the CCTV business.

Harsono is one of the owners. “At my booth, the customer will get free install services and cable provision. It has an affordable price too,” he explained.

The exhibition was attended by 30 computer and CCTV tenants. Harsono added that each tenant have a policy offers promos. Each tenant is targeting sell 50 packages.

Apkomindo DPD Solo regularly holds these exhibitions for 12 years. It holds three or four times a year.

Well, if you are looking for a laptop or CCTV, Hartono Mall Solo Baru wait for you. This exhibition takes place from 4-8 September 2019.

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