– Persaudaraan Antar Etnis Nusantara (Perantara) Forum hold a Regional Art and Culture Degree event in Central Java Province in 2019 at Gedung Bale Tawangarum Surakarta City Hall on Friday (12/07/2019) night. The event which took the theme Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Pancasila cooperates with the National Unity and Political of Central Java Province and Central Java Persaudaraan Antar Etnis (Perantara).
This one-day event displays eight ethnic groups from such as Jambi, Lampung, Palembang, Sumba, Bengkulu, South Kalimantan, Riau, and West Kalimantan.
The event opened by singing “Indonesia Raya” then IKPMJ (Ikatan Keluarga Pelajar Mahasiswa Jambi). They perform Sekapur Sirih dance. This dance aims for welcoming guests. Through this dance, you can feel happiness and gratitude in every move.
The next performer is IKAMALA (Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Lampung). The ethnic group performed the Sembah Siger Pengunten dance accompanied by typical Lampung music. This dance usually performs to welcome important guests.
Chairperson of the Committee for Regional Art and Culture of the Province of Central Java in 2019 Adzani Iqbal Al Rasyid said the event aims to preserve culture in various regions. “We combine eight ethnic characteristics, ranging from dance, music, traditional clothing at this performance. We hold a one-day event and perform various regional cultural arts,” he said when met by Soloevent.