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How to Deal With Generation Y?

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spot_img – How to become a successful leader? The answer is in the Leadership Jaman Now seminar at Graha Solo Raya on Monday (07/08/2019). This Monday-Tuesday (8-9/7/2019) seminar is a series of Indonesia Marketeers Festival (IMF) in Solo. The IMF held by MarkPlus, Inc.

This seminar presents the MarkPlus Vice Association, Inc. Yosanova Savitry as the speaker. Nova explained some tips to lead a team that has a diverse age range members.

Especially to treat generation Y (people born in the ’90s) that has many ideas and high spirits.

FYI, Generation Y is easy to resign if they feel uncomfortable with the boss. So, baby boomers (50 years and above) and generation X (age 39/40) need to treat them better.

If they cannot face it, so the generation gap will decreases productivity and works efficiency. Nova has tips for it. “Understanding the anxiety of each generation, adjusting the style, and evaluating each other,” she said.

At the end of the seminar, Nova concluded that in the present we need a hybrid or flexible leaders.

The seminar opened by Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Achmad Purnomo. Representing Surakarta Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, who was unable to attend, Achmad Purnomo delivered a written message from Rudy who hoped that through this seminar it could have a big influence on the business wheel in Bengawan City.

“As the most densely populated city in Central Java, around 12,000/km. Solo is a bustling trading city and it is hoped that this seminar can provide business unit tips in Bengawan City, especially in terms of leadership so that it can provide a high level of satisfaction for business people,” Achmad said.

On the second day, Indonesia Marketeers Festival will hold a seminar again. It held at The Sunan Hotel Solo, Deputy Chairman of MarkPlus, Inc. Jacky Mussry will divulge “5 Gebrakan Penjualan 2019: Sales Naik, Brand Apik”.

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