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Prambanan Jazz is Hilarious!

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spot_img – Prambanan Jazz Festival (PJF) 2019 finally starts! On Friday (5/7/2019) the sun is a bit hot, but concert-goers lit up. They surrounded the stages in the Festival Show area, Hanoman Stage 1 and 2.

Hanin Dhiya was performing. The 18-year-old singer covered Adele’s Don’t You Remember. She also sang several songs that she wrote by herself.

After getting along with Hanin, the audience was invited to dance with the retro music played by Sisitipsi. The Jakarta-based band was quite attractive, also the vocalist, Fauzan Lubis.

People were waiting for Sisitipsi. When Sisitipsi brought their hits, Alkohol, the audience sang together.

The Prambanan Jazz stage was quite prestigious for bands. So, they had a performance. Jogja Hiphop Foundation (JHF) was one of them. They combine hip-hop with jazz.

“This is our first experience with jazz. OWe prepared it for one week,” Marzuki said at the break. This fresh concept was responded positively by the audience. “It turns good with jazz,” added this JHF rapper.

JHF’s famous songs were like Ngelmu Pring, Jula Juli Lolipop, Cintamu Sepahit Topi Miring, and Jogja Istimewa was suiting with saxophones and soul vocals.

The Jogja Hip-hop Foundation was a closing performer in the afternoon session. After the break of Maghrib and Isha, the new artists, for example, Ardhito Pramono, Danilla, GAC, took attention from the audience.

The first day of Prambanan Jazz Festival was Calum Scott. With a clear voice, the British singer performed his songs, including Stop Myself (Only Human), Hotel Room, Give Me Something, No Matter What, and You are the Reason.

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