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HomeUncategorizedCiao Lucifer Passing Fancy on Lokananta

Ciao Lucifer Passing Fancy on Lokananta

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spot_img – An indie duo from Amsterdam, Ciao Lucifer, is coming to Solo. They will perform at Lokananta on Wednesday (03/07/2019) at 19.30 WIB. Solo is the second city for their Indonesian tour.

The Ciao Lucifer, Marnix Dorrestein (guitar, vocals) and Willem Wits (drums, vocals) will create new works in Lokananta.

Marnix said they were part of the Erasmus Huis program (an Indonesian cultural center in the Netherlands). Their Erasmus Huis’ friends recommend for visiting Lokananta.

“Many friends at Erasmus ask for visiting Lokananta if we go to Indonesia. The stored for music recordings from various eras. Luckily, the production studio still exists tho.  That will be good,” Marnix said at a press conference in Lokananta on Monday (1/7/2019).

They already search about Lokananta on internet. Perform at Lokananta, Willem hopes can gain creativity and energy for their work.

“When we arrived, we listened to music where the music was made. We closed our eyes and felt the atmosphere. This is a special feeling and we think can use this energy to make new works for Wednesday,” explained Marnix.

Ciao Lucifer will collaborate with Bottlesmoker, an electronic duo from Bandung. The concert will also light up by Teori on Wednesday.

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