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Let’s Hear “Sayang” by Via Vallen

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spot_img – The famous dangdut singers, Via Vallen, participated in the Grand Opening of Saloka Theme Park on Saturday (6/22/2019). The woman born October 1, 1991, was a closing guest star.

Around 8:50 pm, the “Selow” song opened her performance. She also invited her Vyanisty to sing together.

“I don’t want to sing by myself,” Via said. On the second song, Via invited the Minister of Tourism Arief Cahya and CFO Saloka Theme Park Danny Agung to sing together. “Where’s the Minister? I go there then,” said Via.

Via sang Sayang while Danny Agung handled the rap. Totally different from Arief Yahya, who was shy.

The beautiful woman that has real name Maulidyah Oktavia sang the next song entitled “On My Way” which was popularized by Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter, and Farruko.

Via also communicates to the audience. “Any request?” Many fans ask for “Pamer Bojo”. “Pamer Bojo and cendol dawet, right?” she asked.

At the end of her performance, Via Vallen sang “Meraih Bintang” which is the 2018 Asian Games official jingle. That night, the Saloka Park Grand Opening was closed with fireworks.

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