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HomeUncategorizedLawfest Journey 2019: Young and Modern

Lawfest Journey 2019: Young and Modern

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spot_img – Success with the previous events, the Lawfest Journey 2019 will come again with an interesting, modern, and young.

Head of the Lawfest Journey 2019 Rio Tegar Widiatama Patula explained that his team had prepared it for the audience. “It’s time for millennial now, so we make it more modern by presenting Kunto Aji and Marion Jola,” he explained for Soloevent on the Slamet Riyadi University campus (UNISRI) Surakarta on Wednesday (12/06) 2019).

Lawfest also presents a senior band, Kahitna. Eits, don’t get me wrong, they still have spirit. Based on the rating, Kahitna’s appearance was the most awaited at Lawfest Journey 2019. “There are quite a lot of Kahitna fans in Solo,” he explained.

Many genres of music brought here. “So, we will invite you all to enjoy the music. There are no differences in ethnicity, race, and religion.”Rio said.

The Lawfest is about the journey. “Like its name, a journey, there will be a story about Lawfest time of years. It will be more hype than before,” Rio said.

It will take place at Pamedan Puro Mangkunegaran. The gate will be open at 1 p.m. What do you waiting for? Come and get the ticket on or visit the ticket box at Kopi Si Budi, Kopipian, Tea n Tea Paragon, Throox, Rown DVSN Manahan, Solo Radio, and Dista FM (IAIN). Pre-sale IV only IDR 85 thousand!

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