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Unique, Mushaf Al-qur’an Batik in Batik Laweyan Village

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spot_img – Kampung Laweyan is famous as a center for producing batik. There are various motifs and types of batik typical of Solo. This time, there is something unique about Batik Laweyan Village, which is the making of Mushaf Alquran batik.

Batik Mahkota Laweyan located on Jl. Sidoluhur No. 9, Sayangan Kulon, Laweyan became the place for making Mushaf Alquran batik. Soloevent had visited the display room which displayed large batik fabrics containing verses from Alquran.

There are three stages, first is plagiarizing the Qur’anic verses on the fabric using a pencil, then thickening it with canting while making a batik motif, and finally coloring.

Sarwono takes for thickening the Quranic verses with canting. The process requires carefulness. “I am not allowed to make a mistake. So, I look intensely what the Qur’an wrote. Then I thickened it on cloth. It is manually processed,” he explained for Soloevent.

The owner of Batik Mahkota Laweyan, as well as the initiator of the Mushaf Alquran batik Alpha Febela Priyatmono, said that one of the inspirations for the making of Mushaf Alquran batik was the Al-Qur’an follow the line.

“The Quran is printed transparently. It was intended people could read the Quran while writing it down. Actually, the Mushaf Alquran batik is one of the educational processes also for the public to read, write, understand, and be able to carry out the contents of the Al-Qur’an. This also illustrates the culture through batik motifs made tho,” he said on Tuesday (05/21/2019).

The work of the Mushaf Alquran batik had reached the 28th juz verse 44. The manuscripts were made on 95×115 cm a cloth. The process has been going on since 2016.

Alpha added the Mushaf Alquran batik will belong to Batik Mahkota Laweyan collection. “We will bound and display it. It needs some correction before it will be inaugurated. We need official approval from the government, especially the Ministry of Religion. So, there is no mistake in the Mushaf Alquran batik,” he added.

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