Friday, November 8, 2024
HomeUncategorizedSwiss-Belinn Saripetojo: Amazing Iftar on the 5th Floor

Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo: Amazing Iftar on the 5th Floor

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spot_img – Do you want to try breaking-fast in the Middle East, Archipelago, Oriental/Asian, and Western style in one place? Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo Solo have it. The hotel located opposite Purwosari Station presents an iftar menu with the theme of Kampung Ramadhan 2.

Enjoy it at Barelo Restaurant only with IDR 98,000.00 net/packs. “We always change the menu once in a week to wipe out the dullness,” explained Public Relations and Executive Secretary of Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo Esky D.

The most attractive entertainment is to enjoy the garden view at the Barelo Restaurant.

The chandeliers adorn the garden giving an exotic nuance. Moreover, the weather of Solo is quite friendly. From the 5th floor, you can enjoy the atmosphere and the train.

Swiss-Belinn Solo also gives vouchers for staying at Swiss-Belinn and attractive souvenirs.

Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo holds some activities during Ramadan, such as for Tuesday and Friday is spiritual speech, live music on Saturday, and corporate social responsibility by inviting rickshaw drivers to break their fast together.

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